Complete field characterization by fiber-based self-modulated spectrum measurements

Autor: M. Yu. Koptev, Alexey V. Andrianov, Elena A. Anashkina, Arkady Kim
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and Photonics Global Conference (PGC).
Popis: New functionalities in ultrafast photonics are inherently linked to the development of phase-sensitive measurement techniques. While free-space ultrafast metrology of optical pulses is a mature field, the development of simple, robust, and cost-effective techniques of pulse characterization compatible with all-fiber devices is of great interest. Here we report a technique for complete field characterization based on measurements of fiber-based self-modulated spectra. We demonstrate an all-fiber optical system in the telecommunication range capable of achieving phase-sensitive measurements based on measuring the pulse spectrum and two self-phase modulated spectra. The obtained results are in a very good agreement with independent measurements with frequency-resolved optical gating technique. We also provide estimates demonstrating great opportunities for implementing this technique in all-waveguide optical systems ranging from optical communications to mid-IR photonics, where specialty fibers with huge optical nonlinearities can be used.
Databáze: OpenAIRE