Data Acquisition System Developed For The Resonance Absorption Project

Autor: G.J. Arnone, C.L. Hollas
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: 1993 IEEE Conference Record Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
Popis: Minimizing signal errors and losses in high-rate gamma-ray imaging systems places demands on the signal-processing and data acquisition electronics. We will describe the data acquisition system developed for the resonance absorption project and techniques used to minimize dead-time and data losses. The data acquisition system acquires pulse-height spectra from an array of gamma-ray detectors and is made available to multiple processors by using the VMEbus standard to provide concurrent data analysis. A SUN workstation is used to develop the application software and also provides the user interface. We have developed a pulse-height-analysis board that has been optimized for low dead time. By incorporating an independent, high-speed signal channel for each detector, we are able to improve performance over multiplexed techniques.
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