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Taxonomic characters of gadfly petrels (Procellariidae: Pterodroma spp.) are reviewed and the genus is redefined. The structure of the upper intestines, which have become helicoidally twisted to varying degrees in most species, is an important character not hitherto used. Results of a phylogenetic study of the genus based mainly on the development of helicoidal intestines agree substantially with findings from studies of the Mallophaga parasitizing these petrels. One species, the Kerguelen Petrel Lugensa brevirostris, previously classified in Pterodroma, is shown to have closer affinity with some fulmar genera. The Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata and its rare or extinct relatives, formerly placed in a superspecies of Pterodroma, are more closely related to the Procellaria and Bulweria petrels, and may be derived from the link between the subfamilies Procellariinae and Fulmarinae. From consideration of the fossil record, anatomical characters and Mallophaga, a phylogeny of the Procellariidae is proposed which supports its monophyletic origin. Gadfly petrels apparently descended from the fulmars through the ancestral lines of Snow Petrels Pagodroma, the Kerguelen Petrel and finally the Blue Petrel Halobaena, which may have given rise separately both to gadfly petrels and to the prions Pachyptila. A late Pliocene origin of Pterodroma in the vicinity of southern New Zealand is possible. The genus Pterodroma is divided into four subgenera, representing four connected radiations, and 29 species are recognised. In probable chronological order, Proaestrelata (new subgenus) contains five species and is restricted to the Pacific Ocean, Cookilaria comprises six species restricted as breeders to the South Pacific, Hallstroma has seven species mainly in the tropics of the Pacific, Indian and South Atlantic Oceans, whereas Pterodroma includes 11 species which extend as breeders from the southwest Pacific west to the South Atlantic and into the North Atlantic. Ecological, physical and physiological adaptations in the evolution of gadfly petrels are discussed. |