Forecast Icing Product: Recent Upgrades and Improvements

Autor: Gary Cunning, Marcia K. Politovich, Cory A. Wolff, Frank McDonough
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: 1st AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference.
Popis: The Forecast Icing Product (FIP) has undergone a series of upgrades since the algorithm was introduced in 2003. Most of these improvements were implemented to make the FIP more similar to the Current Icing Product (CIP), both in how the algorithm uses information and the output content. New methods for determining areas of precipitation and cloud top height have allowed locations of icing to be more accurately represented, decreasing overwarning of hazardous areas. Convection identification has also been added so that icing in and around forecast thunderstorms can be better characterized. The outputs have also been changed. The former icing potential is now icing probability after undergoing a calibration procedure. Expected severity, which is a new algorithm based on how much supercooled liquid water is forecast to be present, is displayed. Finally, areas with probable SLD are highlighted on the same graphic as severity for higher “quickglance” value.
Databáze: OpenAIRE