Effect of neutron irradiation on tensile properties of austenitic steel XM-19 for the ITER application

Autor: A.S. Pokrovsky, S.A. Fabritsiev
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Nuclear Materials. 417:874-877
ISSN: 0022-3115
Popis: Austenitic chromium manganese stainless alloy XM-19 is proposed to use as a material for the ITER in-vessel components such as divertor attachments. The paper presents the results of experimental investigation into the effect of neutron irradiation dose on radiation hardening and of XM-19 alloy. Specimens of XM-19 alloy were irradiated at a temperature of 300 °C to doses of 10 −3 , 10 −2 , 10 −1 dpa in the RBT-6 reactor in Dimitrovgrad. It is shown that neutron irradiation to 0.1 dpa at T irr = 300 °C increases the yield strength of XM-19 alloy by 100 MPa. The uniform elongation was slightly reduced from 45% to 40% at 0.1 dpa, T irr = 300 °C. The investigations performed show that XM-19 alloy demonstrates high level of the strength properties in the initial and irradiated state and has a good ductility after irradiation. The conclusion is made that XM-19 alloy holds promises for ITER application due to its good radiation resistance.
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