Prediction of Radio Frequency Spectrum Occupancy

Autor: Marvin A. Conn, Manohar Mareboyana, Darsana P. Josyula, Hubert Kyeremateng-Boateng
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: TrustCom
Popis: As more users access the radio frequency (RF) spectrum for wireless communications, spectrum availability is becoming an increasingly scarce resource. Hence, the ability to detect or predict when a spectrum channel is available for use is of great importance. To support autonomous access to the spectrum band, we research two feature extraction techniques: (i) based on the standard energy calculation and (ii) based on cumulant calculations. We compare the performance of a baseline reactive predictor which projects the current time-step values to the next time-step, against linear support vector regression (SVR) based approaches using the aforementioned feature extraction techniques. We evaluate the occupancy state prediction in a spectrum band for different values of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spectrum RF activity, using simulated RF signal data. Our experiments indicate that using first order cumulant based approach with SVR improves prediction accuracy.
Databáze: OpenAIRE