Engineering-Physical Makeup of the IVV-3 Research Nuclear Reactor

Autor: D. V. Vasyukhno, N. V. Romanova, N. S. Kalashnikov, E. N. Seleznev, A. V. Kozlov, A. M. Rogovskii, I. T. Tret’yakov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Atomic Energy. 129:231-233
ISSN: 1573-8205
Popis: A concept is presented for a pressurized, water-cooled, pool-type research nuclear reactor IVV-3 under consideration as a replacement capacity for the operating IVV-2M reactor. The expanded experimental capabilities of the IVV-3 reactor, which are associated with an increase in the thermal power and neutron flux density in experimental bodies, will make it possible not only to keep the existing research and production base but also to become in-demand for solving new problems of the nuclear industry. The concept developed for the IVV-3 reactor is based on the principles of continuity of the layout solutions used for the IVV-2M reactor core and operational safety security of water moderated and cooled pool-type research reactors in our country and abroad.
Databáze: OpenAIRE