Deprotection of Ketoximes Using Bismuth(III) Nitrate Pentahydrate

Autor: Ram S. Mohan, Bryce A. Nattier, Kyle J. Eash
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Synthesis. 2001
ISSN: 1437-210X
Popis: Ketoximes undergo facile deprotection in acetone-H20 (9: 1) in the presence 01' 0.5 equivalents of Bi(N03h·5H20. Bis­ muth(lII) nitrate is relatively non-toxic, insensitive to air and inex­ pensive. These features coupled with the use of a relatively non­ toxic solvent system make this method an attractive alternative to existing routes for deprotection of ketoximes.
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