Light Separation for the Lateral System of Luminescent Solar Concentrators

Autor: Kulish, M.R., Sachenko, A.V., Kostylyov, V.P., Sokolovskyi, I.O., Shkrebtii / Chkrebiti, A.I.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.4229/wcpec-82022-2bv.2.16
Popis: 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion; 412-414
Luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) is a device with waveguide (or set of the waveguides) to transport sunlight to a photovoltaic cell attachment, where electricity is generated. We offer a new LSC design with the spectrum splitting on lateral plates. Such design substantially decreases the reflection losses, even though the escape cone losses increase due to absence of sequential utilization of descending photons. Ultimately, the lateral LSC can be substantially more efficient compared to the stacked LSC system. The efficiency of the lateral LSC design is determined by the dispersion system. In this research, we analyse four cases, namely: (i) Ideal solar spectrum separation without losses, considered as the limiting case. (ii) Dispersive prism system with the modeled efficiency above 80%. (iii) The set of dispersive mirrors. The experimental efficiency for every mirror can exceed 90%, but the losses are accumulated as for the stack of the LSC plates. (iv) Diffraction gratings. They are highly efficient for polarized light, but not for the unpolarized solar spectrum in the wide wavelength range. As we established, the dispersive prism and mirrors systems demonstrate the photon transport efficiency exceeding 57% for high-refractive index matrices. Photoconversion efficiency was assessed based on silicon solar cells (SCs).
Databáze: OpenAIRE