An Efficient Framework for Providing Secured Transaction of Data in Cloud Environment

Autor: R. S. Shaji, Thomas Brindha
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 9
ISSN: 0974-5645
Popis: Background/Objectives: The aim our work is to achieve transactional security for users across cloud servers. Method/Statistical Analysis: A framework called Conditional Source Encryption based Data Transactional Security (CSEDTS) is developed in cloud environment. The transaction request sent to cloud data storage is evaluated as conditional attributes. The obtained conditional attributes are encrypted with the help of Conditional Source Encryption method. Then, mapping function is applied for conditional attributes by using unique secured identity number and then these conditional attributes gets decrypted. Findings: Experiments are conducted and the performance analysis shows that the transactional security rate on data layer and the true positive rate are improved. Applications/Improvements: This technique increases security of data that can be applied to access a wide range of resources and applications through web service interface. In future, this can be improved by reducing the transaction time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE