Autor: Fitriani dan Siti Aisyah
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Studia Sosia Religia. 2
ISSN: 2622-2019
DOI: 10.51900/ssr.v2i2.6485
Popis: Kafir merupakan istilah yang tak indah didengar. Namun upaya Nahdlatul Ulama mengubahnya menjadi istilah non-Muslim mendapat respon penolakan dari berbagai pihak seperti Forum Umat Islam. Penelitian ini berupaya mengkaji konsep kafir menurut Nahdlatul Ulama dan Forum Umat Islam Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan field research, dengan metode kualitatif danbersifat deskriptif analitikserta Comparative Approach. Nahdlatul Ulama Sumut menyatakan mereka sepakat dengan rekomendasi istilah non-muslim, karena tidak mencapai status kafir sebagaimana di dalam kitab fikih. Sementara Forum Umat Islam menyatakan tidak setuju dengan Nahdlatul Ulama dan menyatakan semua non islam adalah kafir.Kata kunci : Forum Umat Islam, Kafir, Nadhlatul Ulama AbstrakKafir is a term that is not beautiful to hear. But the efforts of Nahdlatul Ulama to convert it to non-Muslim terms have been rejected by various parties like the Forum Umat Islam. This study seeks to examine the concept of infidelity according to the Nahdlatul Ulama and Forum Umat Islam North Sumatra. This research is a field of research, with qualitative and analytic descriptive methods and Comparative Approach. The North Sumatra Nahdlatul Ulama said they agreed with the recommendation of the term non-Muslim, because it does not reach the status of infidel as in the book of fiqh. While the Forum Umat Islam stated that it disagreed with the Nahdlatul Ulama and declared all non-Muslims to be Kafir.Keyword : Islamic Community Forum (FUI), Infidel, Nadhlatul Ulama
Databáze: OpenAIRE