Anger, fear and disgust in response to sounds

Autor: Ozuer, Yesim, Van Diest, Ilse, Cima, Rilana
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Bothersome tinnitus, misophonia and hyperacusis share important characteristics and cause substantial distress to their sufferers, yet are still poorly understood. Research investigating underlying mechanisms is very limited. Both associative and non-associative learning accounts have been introduced in the past as possible explanations for severe aversive reactions to sounds. We expect to find support for the theory that the strong emotional reactions may stem from acquired meanings of the trigger sounds rather than from an (un)expected aversive event. The current literature remains inconclusive in terms of generating overarching theories and experimental paradigms. Therefore, the present project will consider and explore a referential learning account as a potential mechanism underlying aversive reactions to sounds. We aim to use qualitative research to explore possible unconditioned stimulus (US) – unconditioned response (UR) themes. The study involves conducting focus group discussions with three groups of people suffering from misophonia, hyperacusis or bothersome tinnitus. Thematic analysis and content analysis will be conducted to identify common themes to discover the underlying meaning attached to the sound that underlies the emotional reaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE