High-Resolution Studies of Neutral Hydrogen in NGC 5383 and M101

Autor: R. J. Allen, W. M. Goss, R. Sancisi, W. T. Sullivan, H. Van Woerden
Rok vydání: 1974
Zdroj: Symposium - International Astronomical Union. 58:425-430
ISSN: 0074-1809
DOI: 10.1017/s007418090002461x
Popis: Maps with 0′.5 resolution are presented of the distribution of neutral hydrogen in two galaxies. The barred spiral NGC 5383 contains much hydrogen, in strong differential rotation, in its outer parts; some H I concentrations with possibly anomalous velocities are observed in the regions of bar and nucleus. In the giant Scd spiral M101, the H I distribution corresponds closely with the optical spiral pattern, except for a lack of hydrogen in the central region.
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