Paclobutrazol stimulates bud regeneration in Solanum tuberosum L. primary explant cultures

Autor: Zdeněk Opatrný, J. Opatrná, P. Novák
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Biologia plantarum. 39:151-158
ISSN: 1573-8264
Popis: The growth retardant paclobutrazol (PBZ) inhibited stem internode growth of in vitro cloned potato plants. The extent of growth inhibition caused by10-9 M PBZ in Murashige and Skoog medium was genotype-specific, varying between 10 - 60% of the stem growth of untreated controls in ten cultivars examined. An increase in percentage of de novo bud regenerating stem internode segments (SIS) as well as in the total number of buds per explant was observed in SIS taken from PBZ pretreated plants. PBZ applied directly into the regenerative media had no stimulatory effect on there generation process. We assume that the enhancing effect of PBZ on regeneration may be attributed to its interaction with cytokinin metabolism.
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