Theoretical calculations on the structure and photoabsorption of Xe+ cations (n=3,4,19)

Autor: René Kalus, Daniel Hrivňák
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Chemical Physics. 278:21-29
ISSN: 0301-0104
DOI: 10.1016/s0301-0104(02)00371-3
Popis: The extended diatomics-in-molecules method, involving spin–orbit coupling and leading three-body terms, and the most recent ab initio potential energy curves for Xe2+ due to Paidarova and Gadea [Chem. Phys. 274 (2001) 1] are employed to calculate structures and photoabsorption spectra of singly charged xenon cluster cations, Xen+, n=3,4,19. The extended diatomics-in-molecules models reproduce available experimental data with sufficient accuracy.
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