The success story of the Ukrainian physiological school. Outstanding domestic physiologists

Autor: Sofiia Boshtan, Inga Tymofiychuk, Liliya Boreiyko, Liliya Roman, Svetlana Semenenko
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Current issues of social sciences and history of medicine. :60-65
ISSN: 2411-6181
DOI: 10.24061/2411-6181.4.2015.121
Popis: In the article the stages of development of domestic physiology in the early 30s of the XX century are considered. The main stages of the development and establishment of the Departments of Physiology of Medical, Agricultural, Veterinary Institutes, Laboratories are presented, directions of scientific research of these departments. The article also contains information on the birth and further development of Ukrainian physiological schools, on the foundations of these schools. A significant impact on the development of the Ukrainian physiological school was the results of the scientific activities of the teams of the Institute of Clinical Physiology. On the basis of the obtained data, A.A. Bogomolets created new original concepts of modern physiology.
Databáze: OpenAIRE