Inelastic scattering and satellite fine structure in the high-resolution uv photoelectron spectrum of CS2

Autor: Ingrid Reineck, Karl Erik Norell, C. Nohre, Hans Veenhuizen, Björn Wannberg, R. Maripuu, Lars Mattsson, Kai Siegbahn, Leif Karlsson
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 34:235-252
ISSN: 0368-2048
Popis: The outer valence region in CS 2 has been studied by high-resolution UV photpelectron Spectroscopy. The spectra reveal detailed vibrational structure in the X $ 2 Π g , A $ 2 Π u , B $ 2 Σ + u and C $ 2 Σ + g bands. Some of the fine-structure peaks in the X , B $ and C $ bands are shown to be pressure-dependent. The reason for the pressure dependence is assumed to be inelastic scattering of electrons emitted in the adiabatic transitions. It is established that the two CI satellite bands present in the He(I)-excited spectrum contain vibrational structure.
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