Applications of Ultrafast TeraHertz Pulses for Intra-Excitonic Spectroscopy of Quasi-2D Electron–Hole Gases

Autor: M.A. Carnahan, Robert A. Kaindl, Daniel S. Chemla, Daniel Hägele
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics. 2:83-89
ISSN: 1555-1318
Popis: Excitons are of fundamental interest and of importance foropto-electronic applications of bulk and nano-structured semiconductors.This paper discusses the utilization of ultrafast terahertz (THz) pulsesfor the study of characteristic low-energy excitations of photoexcitedquasi 2D electron-hole (e-h) gases. Optical-pump THz-probe spectroscopyat 250-kHz repetition rate is employed to detect characteristic THzsignatures of excitons and unbound e-h pairs in GaAs quantum wells.Exciton and free-carrier densities are extracted from the data using atwo-component model. We report the detailed THz response and pairdensities for different photoexcitation energies resonant to heavy-holeexcitons, light-hole excitons, or the continuum of unbound pairs. Suchexperiments can provide quantitative insights into wavelength, time, andtemperature dependence of the low-energy response and composition ofoptically excited e-h gases in low-dimensionalsemiconductors.
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