A variation in fiber properties affects the performance of defect-free hollow fiber membrane modules for air separation

Autor: Robert Rautenbach, A. Struck, M.F.M. Roks
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Journal of Membrane Science. 150:31-41
ISSN: 0376-7388
DOI: 10.1016/s0376-7388(98)00206-3
Popis: A flexible simulation method capable of modeling the performance of a gas separation module with variations in fiber properties is presented. Variations in fiber skin thickness, diameter and selectivity are considered. For separation of a high-pressure side product such as nitrogen from air, these variations can result in a considerable deviation from the ideal separation characteristic especially at high purities. It is shown that equal fiber quality is essential for the production of high purity nitrogen. The results presented in this publication are a part of a detailed and comprehensive sensitivity analysis on hollow fiber gas permeation modules.
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