Public Exposures due to Frequent Shipments of Radioactive Materials by Road

Autor: R. Jansma, J. F. A. van Hienen
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: International Journal of Radioactive Materials Transport. 10:45-49
ISSN: 0957-476X
Popis: Data on population exposures arising from frequent shipments with radioactive materials (RAM) by road have been collected in the Netherlands in support to the Competent Authority for transport regulations. Results have also been used for national risk surveys. A ‘guideline’ has been written for the Competent Authority in support of radiological safety evaluation of licenses applied for nuclear activities involving RAM transport. Public exposures from routine RAM transport on a fixed route with about 3,000 shipments per year are less than 4 μSv per year. For a hypothetical group of commuters the annual dose is less than 20 μSv per year. However, a more detailed analysis shows that the annual doses to commuters are about 1 μSv per year.
Databáze: OpenAIRE