Reactivity of bromosilylenoid with heterocumulenes

Autor: Seo Hyeon Park, Jun Hyun Song, Hyeon Mo Cho, Myong Euy Lee
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. :128-131
ISSN: 0022-328X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2015.09.016
Popis: Sila-heterocycles, ditrisyldibromodisiladioxetane (trisyl = C(SiMe 3 ) 3 ) 2 and ditrisyldibromodithiadisiletane 3 , were generated at a low temperature from the reaction of trisylbromosilylenoid 1 with heterocumulenes such as phenyl isocyanate and phenyl isothiocyanate. The 29 Si-NMRs of sila-heterocycles were then investigated. The reaction of cyclic compounds 2 and 3 with MeOH gave dimethoxy(trisyl)silanol 4 and dimethoxy(trisyl)silanethiol 5 , respectively, through ring cleavage and substitution reactions. This work is the first investigation of the reactivity of silylenoid with heterocumulenes.
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