Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn and transient tachypnea of the newborn diagnosis v1

Autor: Marconi Augusto Aguiar dos Reis, Roberta Maia C Romanelli, Zilma Reis
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.17504/
Popis: The authors detailed describe the standard procedures for immaturity-related respiratory disorders during the first 72h of life. These disorders are respiratory distress syndrome of newborn (SDR) and transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN), secondary outcomes in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform under the numbers RBR-3f5bm5 and RBR33rnjf. It shall be used by the multicenter team of researchers, duly trained in accordance with the Good Clinical Practice Protocol, during the prospective evaluation of enrolled newborns. Also, this protocol is complementary documentation for the scientific publications related to the clinical trials: "Prematurity detection evaluating interaction between the skin of the newborn and light: protocol for the preemie-test multicentre clinical trial in Brazilian hospitals to validate a new medical device". "Premature or small for gestational age? International multicenter trial protocol for classification of the low birth weight newborn through the optical properties of the skin".
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