Atomically Thin Population of Colloidal CdSe Nanoplatelets: Growth of Rolled-up Nanosheets and Strong Circular Dichroism Induced by Ligand Exchange

Autor: Daria A. Kurtina, Alexander Gaskov, I. S. Vasil’eva, Roman B. Vasiliev, V. V. Shubin, Alexey V. Garshev
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Chemistry of Materials. 31:9652-9663
ISSN: 1520-5002
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b02927
Popis: Colloidal two-dimensional cadmium chalcogenides nanoplatelets have recently emerged as a class of semiconductor nanoparticles with the narrowest emission and absorption excitonic bands that are of interest for optical applications. Here, we have developed a synthesis protocol for 2.5-monolayer-(ML) thick CdSe nanosheets as a single population. We found that a two-step synthesis in the presence of water promoted the growth of atomically thin nanosheets with high structural and morphological perfection. Using a seeded-growth technique, we extended the lateral size of nanosheets up to 400 nm, which led to the formation of multiwall rolled-up nanostructures. Ligand exchange of native oleic acid, attached to Cd-rich (001) planes, with achiral thioglycolic acid and chiral N-acetylcysteine retains a scroll-like morphology of nanosheets, in contrast to a thicker 3.5 ML population. A reorientation from the [110] to [100] folding direction was found during the change from an achiral to a chiral ligand. In the case ...
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