Guías de investigación escolar 'Interacciones bióticas con la basura marina'

Autor: Científicos de la Basura, Holtmann, Geraldine, González, Camila, Honorato-Zimmer, Daniela, Sepúlveda, José Miguel, Vásquez, Nelson, Leyton, Ailin, Thiel, Martin, Rech, Sabine, De Veer, Diamela
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5906766
Popis: These are 8 guides of activities for schoolchildren between 10 and 18 years old. The activities were the educational material used during the second colaborative research of ReCiBa (The Latin American network of litter scientist, or "Red Latinoamericana de Científicos de la Basura" in Spanish). This collaborative research was done during the second semester of 2019. It was focused on identify the presence of biotic interactions between marine litter and organisms on the beach. The investigated interactions were adherences, bites and entanglements. Step by step, these guides drive the schoolchildren to uncover the secret life of epibionts, the transport of litter with the marine currents, and prepare them to organize and do a beach sampling. Final activities are focus on the results interpretation and comunication. 
Databáze: OpenAIRE