Phloem Translocation of Foliar-Applied Oxamyl and Its Role in Plant Protection

Autor: T. J. W. Alphey, Richard H. Bromilow, A. M. Abdalla
Rok vydání: 1985
Zdroj: Nematologica. 31:468-477
ISSN: 1875-2926
Popis: Movement of the carbamoyloxime nematicide oxamyl from the foliage to the root and into the rhizosphere was studied in a series of pot experiments and bioassays. Basipetal translocation was demonstrated by the decrease in root galling and virus transmission caused by Longidorus elongatus. Analysis of tissues from potato plants treated with foliar applications of [14C]oxamyl showed that the amount of nematicide symplastically translocated was small. Bioassays using Turbatrix aceti and Xiphinema diversicaudatum indicated that exudates from cucumber plants treated with foliar oxamyl were nematicidal. However, the bioassay results varied widely. Analysis of the exudate by gas-liquid chromatography showed that only very small amounts of nematicide were present. It was concluded that basipetal translocation of oxamyl following foliar applications could confer some protection against nematodes at the root surface, and perhaps even in the immediate rhizosphere, but the amount of nematicidal exudate produced was unlikely to give adequate control of nematodes in the soil mass at any distance from the plants.
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