Placement of a temporary cholecystostomy tube to relieve pancreatic EHBDO in a dog

Autor: Pia Martiny, Galina Hayes
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Veterinary Record Case Reports. 7
ISSN: 2052-6121
Popis: A 12-year-old male neutered labrador retriever was treated for extrahepatic bile duct obstruction (EHBDO) secondary to acute pancreatitis. Supportive care was provided for 14 days, but despite treatment the dog’s clinical condition worsened. A temporary cholecystostomy tube was placed via minilaparotomy to provide extracorporeal diversion of bile until patency of the common bile duct was spontaneously re-established. Within 24 hours of tube placement, marked improvement in total bilirubin was noted and the dog could be managed as an outpatient. Clinical signs resolved rapidly, and despite complications with the external tubing necessitating replacement after 48 hours the procedure and tube were well tolerated. Patency of the common bile duct was spontaneously re-established three weeks after tube placement, and the cholecystostomy tube was removed percutaneously. No recurrence of EHBDO was noted in the 13 months following removal of the cholecystostomy tube.
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