Modification and Construction of Solar Cooker Using Parabolic Reflector

Autor: Mathew Ayoade Adedeji, Christopher Kingsley Umunnakwe, Monsuru Olukayode Amoo, Adedayo Joseph Adesigbin
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Engineering and Applied Sciences. 5:28
ISSN: 2575-2022
DOI: 10.11648/j.eas.20200501.15
Popis: Energy is essential to economic and social development and improved quality of life of human being. A parabolic solar cooker was modified, fabricated and evaluated as a simple device to harness direct sun rays for cooking purposes. This device was constructed on a steel dish which was completely lined with aluminium foil. This reflecting surface was used to concentrate the rays of the sun at a focus which led to production of high temperature for cooking purposes. A cooking pot stand was erected and positioned near the focus. The equipment was tested for temperature (energy concentration) achieved at the bottom of the cooking pot, and by cooking with it. The energy concentration efficiency of the cooker was found to be 53.41%. The average temperature achieved by this cooker during the time of testing was 107.38°C (380.53K) it was also used to cook beans and groundnuts in comparison to other alternatives such as kerosene stove and firewood. It took one hour to cook beans and 18 mins to boil groundnut. On the other hand, it took 33 mins and 40 mins to cook the same quantity of beans using kerosene stove and firewood, respectively while it took 10 mins and 17 mins to cook groundnuts using kerosene stove and firewood, respectively.
Databáze: OpenAIRE