Shopmobility at the millennium

Autor: Robert Gant
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of Transport Geography. 10:123-133
ISSN: 0966-6923
DOI: 10.1016/s0966-6923(02)00005-4
Popis: Shopmobility provides a vital link in the community transport chain. It has been designed to secure for mobility-impaired people equality of access to shopping facilities and `barrier-free' movement within town centres. This agenda is important in the UK given the growing incidence of age-related disability, the spread of pedestrianisation to smaller shopping centres, and publicised development of wayfinding technologies to help disabled people navigate in unfamiliar surroundings. The recent millennium audit of Shopmobility schemes furnishes a national data-base highlighting the demand for services, operating practices in contrasting built-environments, stockholding of equipment, financial management and planning intentions. This report overviews the key findings of that audit within the context of a government commitment to an `inclusionary' and integrated transport policy. It concludes that an adequate and secure stream of financial support is essential for the sustained development of Shopmobility in local contexts, and recommends that Local Transport Plans should ensure that Shopmobility schemes are effectively linked to community and public transport services, and accessible car parking provision for disabled motorists.
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