Fine needle puncture biopsy and imaging methods of the thyroid gland in the diagnosis of nodular goiter

Autor: Vnotchenko Sl, Fedoseeva Gi, M. E. Bronshtein, S. B. Nefedov, T. A. Okeanova
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Problems of Endocrinology. 39:30-33
ISSN: 2308-1430
Popis: A retrospective analysis of the results of puncture thyroid biopsy is presented in 256 patients operated on for nodular goiter. Cytological data coincided with histological in 84.8% of cases. Coincidences were most frequent with (multiple) nodular colloid goiter and thyroid cysts (95.7 = 100%) and the least with a single adenoma (65.4%) of predominantly follicular structure. In thyroid cancer, the data correlated in 75% of cases. The presence of cystic changes in the adenoma made the study less informative. The results of an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland coincided with operational data in 87.5% of patients with (multiple) nodular goiter and in 86.1% of patients with adenomas. Ultrasonography as a method of imaging the thyroid gland is preferable to scintigraphy (scanning) and is the optimal complement to the thyroid puncture biopsy.
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