Equipment and Procedures Used in Magnetic Field Measurements on the MURA 50‐MeV Electron Accelerator. VII

Autor: C. H. Pruett, R. O. Haxby, J. R. Mulady, W. A. Wallenmeyer, G. E. Bush
Rok vydání: 1964
Zdroj: Review of Scientific Instruments. 35:1437-1444
ISSN: 1089-7623
Popis: Magnetic field measuring equipment and procedures used in measuring the magnetic guide field of the MURA 50‐MeV electron accelerator are described. Systems for measuring the field gradient index and the vertical, radial, and azimuthal components of the field on the median plane are considered. Methods of using these systems to attain field measurement accuracies of the order of 0.1% in a very inhomogeneous field ranging in magnitude from 20 to 5000 G are discussed.
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