NIST high throughput variable kinetic energy hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy facility

Autor: Conan Weiland, Abdul K. Rumaiz, Patrick S. Lysaght, B. A. Karlin, Joseph C. Woicik, Daniel A. Fischer
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 190:193-200
ISSN: 0368-2048
Popis: We present an overview of the National Institute of Standards and Technology beamline X24A at the National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Lab and recent work performed at the facility. The beamline is equipped for HAXPES measurements, with an energy range from 2.1 to 6 keV with Si(1 1 1) crystals. Recent measurements performed at the beamline include non-destructive depth dependent variable kinetic energy measurements of dielectric and semiconductor films and interfaces for microelectronics applications, band alignment at buried interfaces, and the electronic structure of bulk-like materials. The design and operation of the current beamline will be discussed, as well as the future NIST beamline at NSLS II.
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