Удосконалення системи оцінювання ефективності роботи державних службовців України категорій Б та В як один із факторів підвищення професійного та особистісного розвитку

Autor: Mariia Khim, Nazar Podolchak, Nataliia Tsygylyk
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Вісник Національної академії державного управління при Президентові України. :117-128
ISSN: 2518-7368
Popis: Problem setting. The level of efficiency of the civil service system is a key advantage of the modern state in the international area. In view of this, the issue of evaluating the effectiveness of civil servants is extremely important and relevant. As shown by the results of the analysis in most cases in the assessment of the quality of staff there is: formalism, misunderstanding of the evaluation procedure, as well as lack of awareness of the importance of this process for professional and personal development of staff. Therefore, it is not possible to expect a high level of efficiency in their implementation. Proposed comprehensive system will serve not only as a way to assess the effectiveness of civil servants of categories B and С, but also contribute to the development of human resources, the formation of a powerful and capable public administration, the formation of professional, politically neutral and authoritative civil service.Recent research and publications analysis. Both domestic and foreign scientists studied the evaluation of the effectiveness of civil servants. The problem of the efficiency of the civil service has been studied by such foreign scientists as E. Newmeyer, I. Luffler, V. Newgent and domestic D. Pavlov, V. Tkachova, N. Nyzhnyk, V. Salamatov, B. Gavrilishin and others. Criteria for the efficiency and effectiveness of civil servants were studied by O. Babinova, N. Klyshch, O. Obolensky, R. Bilyk, S. Knak. and others.Methods for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of civil servants were proposed by I. Artym, A. Bohorodychenko, S. Zelinsky and others. Foreign experience in the context of this problem studied V. Shatun, B. Tsygankov, N. Bilyaev, S. Kuznetsova, V. Smirnova, M. Lesechko and others. However, the specificity of the Ukrainian conditions of state formation, uncertainty and instability of the political situation do not allow to fully transfer Western theory and experience to Ukrainian soil.The paper objective. The purpose of the article is to develop a comprehensive improved system for evaluating the effectiveness of civil servants.The paper main body. The legislative documents relating to performance measurement of ukrainian’s civil servants was analyzed. The limitations of the existing system for evaluating the effectiveness of civil servants was shown. Several innovations to improving the effectiveness of the system of performance evaluation of Ukrainian’s civil servants’ categories B and C were offered. It’s based on the European experience, taken into account Ukrainian realities and the results of the author’s works of this article.Conclusions of the research. The improved system of performance evaluation of ukrainian's civil servants categories B and C will ensure maximum transparency and impartiality of the procedure. It will reduce the time spent on its implementation by 40-50% and will bring Ukraine as close as possible to European standards in this field. In addition, proposed system will make it possible to identify the basic competencies and professionally necessary qualities of modern for clearly defined categories of civil servants. This will contribute to the formation of an optimal system for assessing the effectiveness of public administration, taking into account European experience and historical traditions, as well as the creation of institutional foundations for effective public administration policy in accordance with modern economic realities and societal needs.
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