Emprendimientos digitales y diseño de modelos de negocio: investigación aplicada en estudiantes de la Carrera de Comunicación

Autor: Jorge Montalvo-Castro
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Contratexto. :155-170
ISSN: 1993-4904
DOI: 10.26439/contratexto2016.n025.656
Popis: Digital economy requires other business models different to the ones present in the physical world; therefore, they should be studied from a particular perspective. In this research a variety of canvas formats or business model canvas are compared and analyzed. The entrepreneurial intention of Communication students from the University of Lima is also studied. The methodology included a survey among students and an educational experience within the subject: Advertising Creativity. The main result of this research is a proposal canvas to design digital entrepreneurships in Communication, whether commercial or social businesses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE