Maternal and fetal outcome of placenta previa

Autor: null Uzma Manzoor, null Nadia Sharif, null Uzma Shehzad, null Saadia Bano, null Iram Aslam, null Sadaqat Ali
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: The Professional Medical Journal. 29:276-279
ISSN: 2071-7733
Popis: Objectives: To determine the maternal and fetal outcome in patients presented with major degree Placenta previa and to evaluate the Potential risk factors. Study Design: Descriptive Case Series study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Independent University Hospital Faisalabad. Period: January 2020 to February 2021. Material & Methods: All patients with major degree previa confirmed by ultrasonography beyond 28 weeks of gestation were selected irrespective of their parity, type of placenta previa and with live or dead fetus. Results: Total 38 patients were selected with Major degree placenta previa in 1 year of duration. 47% patients were in age group 31-35 years and 65.7% patients were grand multi-para. In our study 73.6% patients were having previous scar uterus. All patients received blood transfusions and cesarean hysterectomy in 36.8% of patient’s done due to placenta previa and uncontrolled hemorrhage. Only 2 patients got bladder injuries during surgery and in one patient required hysterectomy has to be done later. Regarding neonatal outcome 47.3% neonates were active and required no resuscitation and 21% neonates expired within 48 hours. Conclusions: Now a day’s major degree placenta previa is a main obstetrical challenge associated with blood transfusion, ICU admissions and Obstetrical hysterectomy. Fetal outcome was relatively satisfactory. Maternal complications can be reduced by early diagnosis, Identification of the risk factors, correction of Anemia, Blood arrangement & Team work in Territory care hospital.
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