The role of modern methods for intravascular visualization of coronary arteries in diagnostics and treatment of coronary heart disease in the employees of the Russian Railways joint stock company related to train movements

Autor: Olga A. Prishchep, Z. Kh. Shugushev, D. A. Maksimkin, A. G. Faibushevich, G. I. Veretenik
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Clinical Medicine (Russian Journal). 95:1001-1006
ISSN: 2412-1339
DOI: 10.18821/0023-2149-2017-95-11-1001-1006
Popis: The aim of this study was to show the importance of modern non X-ray diagnostic techniques of coronary arteries for diagnosis and treatment of CHD. Material and methods. 110 patients, who took part in the study, were divided into two groups according to their coronarography: group 1 - patients with intermediate coronary stenosis (n = 80) and group 2 - patients with normal coronary arteries (n = 30). All patients of group1 underwent FFR measurement in the magistral arteries. On the base of FFR value the second group was conventionally divided into two subgroups: Ia (47.5% patients) - with a positive FFR value (≤0,8), in which the lesion was considered functionally significant and responsible for ischemia, and Ib (52.5% patients) - with a negative FFR value (>0,8). In the case of positive FFR value patients underwent IVUS-guided PCI. Results. Survival index free of MACE and readmissions was not significantly different in the group II and subgroup Ib and were 100 and 95.2%, respectively (p > 0.05). A comparison of this index in the subgroups Ia and Ib was no significantly different (97.3% and 95.2%, respectively, p > 0.05). The rate of restenosis in the Ia subgroup, which required re-intervention, was 2.7%, which corresponds to the data in the literature. Late stent thrombosis was not revealed. Conclusions. Survival index free of MACE and readmissions is not different in the long-term period in the study groups.
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