Quantifying Individual Differences, Skill Development, and Fatigue Effects in Small-Scale Exertion Interfaces

Autor: Carl Gutwin, Mike Sheinin
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: Game mechanics in sports video games for skills like running and throwing are nothing like those skills in real sports. Adding small-scale exertion to the control scheme -- using small muscle groups such as hands and fingers -- can re-introduce some degree of physicality into sports video games. However, there is little quantitative knowledge about how small-scale exertion affects individual variability, skill development, or fatigue -- and how it compares to traditional game mechanics. We carried out two studies to provide this quantitative information. Our studies showed that controlling movement with small-scale exertion was significantly and substantially different from rate-based control, and that both movement and passing skills showed significant increases with practice. Our work provides valuable information that can help designers decide when and how to use small-scale exertion, and provides an empirical basis for the design of new game interaction techniques.
Databáze: OpenAIRE