Maligniteli hastalarda HHV-8 antikor prevalansı

Autor: Gülnur Tarhan, Selami Koçak Toprak, Salih Cesur, Neziha Yilmaz
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Anadolu Güncel Tıp Dergisi. 1:81-84
ISSN: 2667-565X
Popis: Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the HHV-8 IgM and IgG positivity rates in patients with different malignancies, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma, and chronic myelocytic leukemia. Material and Method: Totally 58 individuals, fifty patients with malignancies and eight healthy individuals were included in the study. Indirect fluorescent an tibody method was used to analyze HHV-8 IgM and HHV-8 IgG antibodies in patient and control groups. Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS software. Fischer’s Exact Ki-kare test and the Mann-Whitney U-test were used in the statistical evaluation. P values ≤0.05 were considered statistically significant. Findings: In the patient group, 20% of the patients (10/50) were HHV-8 IgM positive. On the other hand, none of the individuals in the control group were HHV-8 IgM positive. In the patient group, 56% of the patients (28/50) were HHV-8 IgG positive, whereas 50% of the individuals (8/16) in the control group were HHV-8 IgG positive. HHV-8 IgM positivity was significantly higher in the patient group when compared to the control group. The highest level of HHV-8 IgM positivity was detected in AML patients, whereas MM patients had the highest level of HHV-8 IgG positivity. Conclusion: HHV-8 IgM and HHV-8 IgG positivity in patients with malignancies can be associated with reactivation or reinfection. Further clinical studies should be carried out on higher number of patients with different malignancies to identify the clinical significance of HHV-8 in these patients.
Databáze: OpenAIRE