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Darunaka (dandruff) is a disorder mentioned under the spectrum of Shirokapalagata Roga/Kshudra Roga by various Acharyas. It is a Kapha-Vata predominant disorder of Shiro-Kapala (scalp), characterized by Kandu (itching), Kesha-Chyuti (hair fall), Keshabhumi-Rukshata (dryness of scalp) and Keshabhumi-Sphutana (scaling). Shiroabyanga (oil massage to scalp) with Keechakadi Taila is mentioned as a treatment modality for Darunaka by Vangasena. It contains Keechaka (Bambusa arundinaceace), Sarshapa Taila (mustard oil), Gomutra (cow’s urine) as ingredients. In general all Tailas (oils) alleviates Vata-Dosha and does not aggravate Kapha-Dosha. It is Twak Prasadaka (nourishing), thus helping in treating the disease by Samprapthi Vighatana (breaking the pathogenesis). Though there are plenty of treatment options available for dandruff, there is no promising treatment in any of the allied sciences assuring its complete cure, avoiding recurrence. Thus with the aim to know the efficacy of Keechakadi Taila in treating Darunaka and also to know how effectively it can prevent/ reduce interval between recurrences of Darunaka the present study was carried out. The study showed statistically significant result in the management of Darunaka. |