Determinants influencing the supply chain performance in Saudi Arabia

Autor: Torky Althaqafi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Uncertain Supply Chain Management. :187-194
ISSN: 2291-6830
DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.10.002
Popis: Supply chain management is essential for enhancing an organisation’s position among its competitors by improving its efficiency and effectiveness. The fundamental goal of this study is to recognize the effect of the supply chain responsiveness, flexibility, and its adaptation within the Saudi Arabian business industry. The data in this study were collected from a sample of 390 participants in senior business positions, and then analysed using the multiple regression technique. The results indicated that both the measurements and model have satisfactory fit indices and showed that the three hypotheses raised in this study could be accepted. Additionally, the results demonstrated that both the responsiveness and adaptation of the supply chain exert a positive effect on how the supply chain performs. So, the faster the organisation responds and adapts to the supply chain activities, the higher performance they tend to get.
Databáze: OpenAIRE