Monte Carlo fuel burnup analyses of the Accelerator-Driven Subcritical systems

Autor: Yan Cao, Yousry Gohar
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Annals of Nuclear Energy. 131:297-304
ISSN: 0306-4549
Popis: This paper describes the Monte Carlo fuel burnup analysis performed for the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Accelerator-Driven Subcritical (ADS) conceptual design. The ANL ADS conceptual design was developed to dispose of the 131 tons of Minor Actinides (MA) fuel of the current United States Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) inventory. It uses a neutron source from 1 GeV 25 MW proton beam with the liquid lead target to drive the subcritical fission assembly. It utilizes the liquid metal slurry fuel concept to load the MAs fuel. The subcritical fission assembly has a neutron multiplication factor of 0.98. The total fission power generated in the system is about 2.67 GW. The system is designed to operate for 35 full power years. Monte Carlo fuel burnup analyses were performed to calculate the amount of MAs consumed by the ANL ADS conceptual design. The MCNP6 computer program was used to simulate the high energy physics of the protons striking the liquid lead target for generating the neutron source. The MCB5 and SERPENT Monte Carlo burnup computer programs were used to simulate the fuel burnup during the ADS operation. In the ANL ADS conceptual configuration, the reactivity loss during the fuel burnup is compensated by adding fresh fuel into the subcritical assembly. In this paper, both batch and continuous fueling modes are examined. The fresh fuel particles are loaded into the slurry fuel carrier at the beginning of each burnup step of the batch-fueling mode and loaded continuously into the slurry fuel carrier during the operation in the continuous fueling mode. Monte Carlo fuel burnup analyses show that one ANL ADS conceptual design can consume about 25.7 tons of MAs fuel during the 35 full power years with the continuous fueling mode. About five units is required to dispose of the 131 tons of MAs.
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