Physical nondestructive methods for the testing and evaluation of the structure of wood-based materials

Autor: N. I. Anan’eva, A. A. Tambi, A. N. Chubinskii, M. A. Bakhshieva, A. V. Teppoev, S. O. Semishkur
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 50:693-700
ISSN: 1608-3385
DOI: 10.1134/s1061830914110023
Popis: The processing modes and operating properties of wood-based materials depend in many respects on the structure, density, and moisture of wood, the determination of which by traditional methods in production conditions presents great difficulties. Therefore, in recent years there has been an interest in applying physical nondestructive methods of testing in the area of manufacturing wood-based materials and investigations of their properties. The performed studies showed that it is possible to use computer tomography and magnetic-resonance imaging methods for evaluating latent defects of wood, its density, and moisture. The joint use of these methods is of special interest, which is intended to increase the reliability of evaluation of wood density, based on which the strength of future lumber is forecast. The application of radiography enables one not only to determine the structure of wood and glued layers but to indirectly evaluate the strength of gluing.
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