Optimization of the Geometric Characteristics of the Laser Beam in a Multi-Pass Scheme of Nonlinear Amplification of the Master Oscillator Illumination

Autor: Satov, Yuri, Balabaev, Alexander, Khrisanov, Igor, Kulevoy, Timur, Losev, Anton, Shumshurov, Alexander, Vasilyev, Andrey
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-rupac2021-tupsb48
Popis: The paper presents the results of numerical simulation of the CO₂ MOPA laser scheme which is designed to generate powerful short radiation pulses in the ion source circuit. It is based on the nonlinear nature of the amplification of the master-oscillator pulse radiation, the front of which is formed by a nonlinear absorber. The paper considers the influence of the geometric parameters of the entrance beam in a four-pass amplification scheme. It is shown that for a fixed value of the small signal gain the maximum amplification effect is achieved with a certain formation of the spatial characteristics of the laser beam at the input to the amplifier. So some central uniform part of MO beam which has a Gaussian spatial profile is used in the telescopic amplifier. In this case, despite significant aperture losses, the maximum energy at the output of the amplifier is achieved with optimizing the beam diameter.
Proceedings of the 27th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference, RuPAC2021, Alushta, Russia
Databáze: OpenAIRE