Socialinės medijos – taikioji rezistencija ar naujasis 'kliktyvizmas'?

Autor: Rūta Sutkutė
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Deeds and Days. 66:89-118
ISSN: 2335-8769
Popis: This article aims to confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis that social media acquire ever greater importance in contemporary society and that social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter are fashioning a new form of passive (peaceful) resistance. Can the experiences gained on the platform of social media be transformed into actions in real physical spaces, or is it the case that, on the contrary, social media promote the formation only of exclusively virtual internet movements of protest because individuals no longer feel the need for participating in real mass demonstrations, meetings, and protest actions? The latter case would explain the appearance of such phenomena as slacktivism, lazy activism, clicktivism, armchair activism, and keyboard activism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE