Comparative stability of canine and feline hemostatic proteins in freeze-thaw-cycled fresh frozen plasma

Autor: Anne S. Hale, Alice M. Parr, Page E. Yaxley, L. Ari Jutkowitz, Joe G. Hauptman, Matthew W. Beal, Marjory B. Brooks
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. 20:472-478
ISSN: 1479-3261
Popis: Objective – To evaluate the stability of canine and feline hemostatic proteins in freeze-thaw-cycled (FTC) fresh frozen plasma (FFP). Design – Prospective study. Setting – Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Animals – Nine blood donor dogs and 10 blood donor cats. Interventions – Whole blood was collected and separated into packed RBC and plasma units according to standard methods. Each unit of plasma was divided into 2 equal aliquots and frozen (−41°C). One aliquot from each donor (FTC) was then thawed and then refrozen (−41°C) until time of analysis. The second aliquot (nonfreeze-thaw-cycled; NFTC) remained frozen until time of analysis. The hemostatic proteins assessed included coagulation factors, anticoagulant factors (antithrombin and Protein C), and adhesive proteins (fibrinogen and von Willebrand Factor). The coagulant activities of factors II, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII were measured in modified one-stage activated partial thromboplastin time or prothrombin time assays. Antithrombin and Protein C activities were measured in chromogenic substrate assays. Clottable fibrinogen was measured via the Clauss method, and von Willebrand Factor concentration (vWF:Ag) was measured in an ELISA. A paired t-test was utilized to identify differences in factor activity or concentration between FTC FFP and NFTC FFP. Measurements and Main results – No clinically or statistically significant differences (all P>0.05) were identified between FTC FFP and NFTC FFP. Conclusions – Refreezing FFP within 1 hour of initial thawing appeared to have no deleterious effects on the hemostatic protein activity or content of that unit. Transfusion of FTC FFP is expected to provide the recipient with comparable replacement of hemostatic proteins as FFP that has remained frozen.
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