Crystal structure of diphenyliodonium fluoborate

Autor: Yu. T. Struchkov, T. L. Khotsyanova
Rok vydání: 1960
Zdroj: Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Division of Chemical Science. 9:771-779
ISSN: 1573-9171
Popis: 1. The coordinates of the atoms in the purely ionic structure of diphenyliodonium fluoborate were determined by a three-dimensional electron density series. 2. The bond lengths have the following values with an accuracy of ± 0.03 A: I-C=2.02, C-C=1.40, and B-F=1.43 A. 3. The cation (C6H5)2I+ has an angular configuration. The increase in the valence angle C1- I-C1′=94°, in comparison with the theoretical value is explained by steric hindrance. 4. The shortest interionic distances lead to the following intermolecular radii: C-1.70 A; F-1.10 A; F-1.39 A; and I-2.11 A. The distances I-F=2.94, 3.01, and 3.40 A correspond to electrostatic attraction.
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