Identification of Mental Illness in Jails

Autor: Virginia Barber-Rioja, Alexandra Garcia-Mansilla, Elizabeth Rodriguez
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Handbook of Mental Health Assessment and Treatment in Jails ISBN: 0197524796
Popis: Accurately identifying mental illness for people entering the jail system is important for guiding treatment and management, determining level of care needed, and implementing appropriate reentry plans. However, the process of screening and assessment in jails is challenging, and the stress of the jail environment can make application of diagnostic criteria complicated. A large number of people entering detention have recently used substances, and rates of prior trauma and mental illnesses including personality disorders are elevated. Due to limited resources, mental health staff conducting screening and assessment and assigning diagnoses in jails may not have the required training or experience. This chapter will review best practices for mental health screening and assessment in correctional settings, including use of psychological testing. Finally, the chapter will explore the different motivations to exaggerate, feign, or minimize psychiatric symptoms in jail settings and will provide recommendations for assessment of symptom validity.
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