Assessment of Psychiatric Illness in Burnt Patients

Autor: Ajay Deshmukh, Sharad Vasant Kshirsagar
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Medico-Legal Update. 20
ISSN: 0974-1283
DOI: 10.37506/mlu.v20i4.1961
Popis: Background: Psychological distress is among the most frequent and debilitating complications post-burninjury. The present study was conducted to assess psychiatric illness in burnt patients.Materials and Method: The present study was conducted on 102 burn patients of both genders. Incidenceof pre-morbid psychopathology, marital status, education and employment status was recorded.Results: Out of 102 patients, males were 60 and females were 42.67 patients were married and 35 wereunmarried, 38 were skilled and 64 were semi skilled, 42 had primary, 35 had secondary and 25 wereuneducated. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Major psychiatric illness were depression in 32,personality disorder in 10, schizophrenia in 5, substance disorder in 7 and Posttraumatic stress disorder in12 cases. The difference was significant (P< 0.0 5).Conclusion: Authors found high incidence of psychiatric illness such as depression, personality disorder,schizophrenia and substance disorder in burn patients.
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