Gale des animaux domestiques et méthodes de lutte

Autor: Pangui Lj
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE. 13:1227-1247
ISSN: 0253-1933
DOI: 10.20506/rst.13.4.817
Popis: The author reviews the control of various types of mange, principally in production animals (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, dromedaries, equines, pigs, rabbits and poultry). An account of the taxonomy, morphology and biology of the mange-causing parasites is followed by a study of the epidemiology and pathology of the various forms of mange. The author then examines the methods for control of these highly contagious cutaneous parasitic diseases, which cause considerable losses to animal production. The various control procedures are described: acaricides may be used as dips, showers or sprays, as a topical application to the back ('pour-on'), or administered by the parenteral route. The principal acaricides are reviewed. The author concludes by discussing the problems of resistance, the use of auxiliary therapeutic measures, and the possibilities for medical treatment and hygienic precautions.
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