Current Advances in the Protection of Viral Diseases in Aquaculture With Special Reference to Vaccination

Autor: Bestha Lakshmi, Shameer Syed, Viswanath Buddolla
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Fish as food, both from fish farms and catch fisheries, offers the world one of the easiest and fastest way to address malnutrition and food security. Along with low per capita production, recent years saw infectious diseases become one of the most significant threats to successful fish farming alongside unfavorable climatic conditions. The second most common agents of infectious diseases in farmed fish are viruses, which are more difficult to control. Therefore, several viral diseases in fish are greatly affecting the overall profitability of fish farming and are listed as most devastating endemic diseases. In addition, no efficient treatment or preventive practices exist for these viral diseases, and their control is thus by prevention of the introduction of pathogen and eradication by stamping out in case of disease outbreak. This chapter focuses on the recent outbreaks of infectious diseases of farmed fish along with promising prevention and control strategies, particularly vaccination strategies that help in healthy productivity and profitability.
Databáze: OpenAIRE