Diversity of the Medico-Veterinary and Agricultural Interest Arthropods at Bia in the Sudanian Zone of Mali

Autor: Makan Camara, Alpha Seydou Yaro, Youssouf Faya Keïta, Astan Traoré, Bintou Ly, Alassane dit Assitoun, Ousmane I. Koné, Bernard Sodio
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences. 10:224-231
ISSN: 2321-6883
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2022.v10i12.001
Popis: Arthropods by their progressive evolution, occupyied the first place, either by the role of vectors of pathogenic organisms of some of its representatives, or by the nuisance for others. This study was conducted to document the diversity of the arthropods fauna at Bia in the Sudanian zone of Mali. A monthly inventory during a period from April 2021 to February 2022 was conducted. The collection were made with two types of traps (emergence and "T" traps). Arthropods collected were identified by observation with a magnifying glass using dichotomous identification keys for some and by PCR for mosquitoes. It allowed the inventory of 57 species divided into 2 classes, 10 orders and 50 families. Arthropods of agricultural interest are the most frequent group during the rainy and dry seasons. Among these different orders, the coleoptera are the most represented with a total of 16 families.
Databáze: OpenAIRE